
About Studio

Studio Rahgozar is probably the one of the most famous studios in Iran.

It has a unique design, acoustic and an unparalleled history of recording.

The studio can comfortably accommodate up to 55 musicians for Music

Album Recording and overdubs, as well as providing the perfect tracking

room for bands. Available with the studio are a variety of Maya Drumset,

Yamaha Piano and Percussion.

Studio Control Room

The control room has a YAMAHA O2R console , stem maker and Encore

Plus automation. In addition to the O2R console. A wide variety of nearfield

speakers are also available.

The outboard equipment rack contains a comprehensive selection of original

EMI TG modules, classic Teletronix, UREI and Fairchild units along with a range

of contemporary digital reverbs. All analogue and digital recording formats are fully

Supported.A small lounge is Available.




Rahgozar Haft Eghlim Cultural Artistic Institute